Sunday, January 23, 2011

YEAH we finally get to add actual SKI to the ski odyssey blog

So "per those in the know", three nights of grooming and snow making/blowing would restore the slopes...and they were right! No "crack of noon" skiing today...we were up the lifts as they opened at 9:00!
The six degrees of separation concept was also at work. Over the weekend I'd received a call from one of my old sorority sisters who is in Ketchum for the winter so we were meeting at 10:30. In the meantime, as Tom Watson, Gary and Laurie got off the Christmas chair we immediately saw Doug Cameron so it was fun to have him join with us
Caught up with Sandy (Tri-Delt sister) and Dan Dahl. The three of us started our instructing "career" back in '75 with the Boeing ski school Skibacs. For you NW skiers reading this it was quite fun to meet  "Legendary Lenore Lyle" up at the Seattle Ridge lodge
It was a fantastic day of skiing UNTIL IT WASN'T . That would have been at 2:30 when the light suddenly became flat. Laurie unwittingly launched a Firefox 14/40 (per latest Warren Miller film) off the cat track see didn't see on Upper Warm Springs. Sandy saw the whole thing and initially was afraid she'd seen her friend die in the horrible accident. Apparently it was reminiscent of the Herminator Olympic crash minus the orange fencing. Of course I didn't want to immediately go to the emergency room so loaded up on ice packs

(Can't believe I am willing to post this most attractive pic!) But I actually felt worse than this shows so I eventually went to the emergency room. A bunch of exams and XRays later confirmed the best possible news...lots of bruising and muscle injury but no breaks or spinal cord damage. So, even though I'm not going to be able to ski for at least 10 days,  my attitude is one of gratefulness!

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